Liquid Adhesive for small cuts: HSA Eligibility
Liquid Adhesive for small cuts: eligible with a Health Savings Account (HSA)HSA Eligible First Aid
What is liquid adhesive for small cuts?
Lacerations are common injuries for individuals of all walks of life, and these small cuts are any that penetrate completely through the outer skin layers and result in bleeding and pain. While larger cuts may be more serious and require medical attention, small cuts are traditionally treated with antiseptic to kill germs and covered with a bandage to allow it to heal. However, for small cuts, liquid adhesive or liquid bandages have become increasingly popular.
Liquid adhesive for small cuts typically consists of a polymer dissolved in a solvent such as water or alcohol, as well as an antiseptic or local anesthetic to clean the wound of any bacteria before the solution dries and seals the cut. Liquid bandages are advantageous for their ability to adhere to skin that may be awkwardly-placed for common bandages, as well as decreasing the chances of infections since the wound is sealed shut. These products are also waterproof, so users can shower and bathe without worry, but it's important to avoid scrubbing the affected areas to avoid wearing off the polymer. In most cases, liquid adhesive for small cuts will last for 5 to 10 days and the seal will come off naturally once the cut is fully healed (MedlinePlus).
In addition to healing cuts, liquid adhesive for small cuts has myriad first aid uses, such as preventing and preventing blisters, preventing the formation of calluses, covering up painful hangnails and helping to protect chapped and cracked fingertips. Ultimately, the biggest advantage of liquid bandages is giving the user the ability to continue day-to-day activities as normal without the obstruction of a bandage, especially those in areas that flex or stretch, such as joints and fingers, which will heal much more effectively with this added flexibility.