Contact Lens Case: HSA Eligibility

Contact Lens Case: eligible with a Health Savings Account (HSA)
Contact lens cases are eligible with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) or limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA). Contact lens cases are not eligible with a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).

HSA Eligible Contact Lens Care

Eligible expenses for Limited FSAs can vary. To find out exactly what your Limited FSA covers, contact your FSA administrator.

Private Letter Ruling 7308270520A

Why are contact lens cases necessary?

Contact lens cases are indispensable accessories for contact lens wearers that are essential for the proper everyday maintenance and safety of their corrective vision aids. Contact lens cases come in a variety of styles and colors with myriad features to suit a wide range of lifestyles, but at their heart they are a necessity for contact lens wearers primarily for general wellness purposes (American Academy of Ophthalmology). The primary benefits of contact lens cases include:

Promote optimal eye health

Relocating contact lenses from the eyes to a clean case each time they are removed can dramatically reduce the chances of bacterial infections and other maladies. One of the primary roles of contact lens cases is their ability to be filled with contact cleaning solution and lenses can be cleaned daily to prevent bacterial buildup that can cause eye infections and other forms of irritation.

Travel with contact lenses

Traveling with contact lenses is next to impossible without a contact lens case, which will keep contacts fresh and lubricated for easy use. These cases can fit easily into backpacks, purses and carry-ons, and they are available in bright colors so they can be located quickly in an emergency when contact lenses will have to be changed out quickly.

Safeguard contact lenses

Contact lenses can be damaged very quickly in the presence of dirt, dust and other forms of debris, which can scratch the surface lenses affecting their visual acuity, as well as being prone to bacteria buildup that can lead to eye infections and irritation. Contact lens cases are the most reliable means of protecting these vision aids when they're not worn, as well as providing a vessel that can be filled with contact cleaning solution to keep them lubricated and ready for use.

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