Gynecologist: HSA Eligibility
Gynecologist: eligible with a Health Savings Account (HSA)What is a gynecologist?
A gynecologist is a specialist in the field of gynecology, who focuses on the female reproductive system, as well as possessing extensive training in obstetrics and expertise in handling common female reproductive issues, such as sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), menstruation, fertility and hormone disorders. In the case that a person who was born a woman or has female body parts has a medical condition or disease that affects their reproductive systems, they will be referred to gynecologists in the vast majority of cases (Healthline).
What does a gynecologist do?
Gynecologists recommend that women make an appointment at least once per year, but this frequency will increase greatly if the patient becomes pregnant or experiences a reproductive health problem. A standard gynecological visit will include a physical exam and a pap smear (a check for cervical cancer cells on the cervix), as well as vital annual physical examinations like a breast exam and a screening for common gynecological issues that commonly affect the patient's age group (Medical News Today).
Women should have their first gynecological exam between the ages of 13 and 15, and typically these first visits to not involve any obstetrics or internal medicine procedures, rather they are a discussion between the doctor and the patient about what each gynecological visit will involve, allow the patient to ask any necessary questions and offer information that will help the patient remain healthy. Gynecologists play a vital role in the treatment, diagnosis, mitigation and prevention of a wide variety of medical conditions, therefore their services qualify for reimbursement through consumer-directed healthcare accounts.